The ethical principles established for the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Research Center (PDRAM) unit of your university are based on nationally and internationally accepted professional standards. In this framework, the American Psychological Association (APA) Code of Ethics, International Union of Psychologists (IUPsyS) Code of Ethics, European Federation of Psychologists (EFPA) Code of Ethics and Turkish Psychological Association (TPD) Code of Ethics are taken as basis.
- Confidentiality: Protecting clients’ personal information and session content in accordance with the principle of confidentiality during and after counseling. Due to legal obligations, this confidentiality does not apply when a client is at risk of harming themselves or others.
- Honesty: Providing clear, accurate and reliable information in all interactions with our clients, avoiding misleading information.
- Responsibility: To provide services in accordance with ethical and professional standards, prioritizing the safety, health and well-being of our clients.
- Informed Consent: Providing our clients with sufficient information about the services provided and ensuring that they give informed consent.
- Professional Competence: To have sufficient knowledge and experience in the field, to continuously improve ourselves and to show professionalism in our practices.
- Do No Harm: Taking every precaution to prevent physical, emotional or psychological harm to our clients.
- Respect for Human Rights and Non-Discrimination: Recognizing that human rights are universal values. Accordingly, to provide a fair, respectful and inclusive service to all individuals regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or other differences.